Two Star Citizen aliens standing in a dark room.

Free armour and rifle promo – Ends February 28

Free armour and rifle promo – Ends February 28 Alpha 3.16.1 adds yet another level of action to Star Citizen with derelict ships hiding treasure and deadly traps, fast-paced hoverbike chases, and in-atmosphere bounty hunting across the system. And, you can enjoy it all in style by referring a friend. Thanks to the lodestone paint,…

A futuristic spaceship in Star Citizen.

Free to Play November 19 to December 1 – IAE 2951

Free to Play November 19 to December 1 – IAE 2951 From November 19 to December 1 is the yearly IAE. This means a few things: Free to play during the event, no game package required. Test-fly over 100 spaceships for free New vehicle announcements Special-edition vehicle paints and in-game items Time limited ships available…